White Papers

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The Benefits of Oral Fluid Drug Testing

Oral Fluid drug testing is a quick, easy, and efficient method that will save your company time and money getting your team back on the job quicker. By using oral fluid for drug testing, you are testing your team’s fitness for work right now, not looking back into their lifestyle and activities they may have undertaken weeks prior. Unlike oral fluid testing, urine testing effectively “looks back” up to three weeks, at potential historical use, which is not relevant to being fit for duty on the day of work.

What you need to build an effective drug deterrence strategy

Deterrence strategies aim to discourage people from engaging in specific behaviours by establishing a perception of negative consequences associated with those behaviours and the reasoning behind the strategy.

The Impact Of Photographic Staff Identification On Alcohol Breath Testing

Organisations who deploy cameras with their wall mounted alcohol breath testers are likely to halve the number of positive testing incidents.

Security in Bluetooth and Wi-Fi within Portable Electronic Devices

  ABSTRACT: A comparison of wireless communications technologies focusing on practical security aspects. 2.0 Executive Summary Bluetooth is used extensively in Military, Police, Fire & Rescue, and Medical applications as well as a variety of commercial, industrial, and personal-use devices and has become the technology of choice for secure, short-range communications. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are […]

Passive Testing for Alcohol

As the mining boom cools and companies focus on their bottom line, all business costs come under the microscope. Alcohol and drug testing is no different. With Health & Safety Managers reluctant to cut actual breath testing numbers knowing that an effective program not only leads to a safer workplace but saves companies money through […]

AOD Testing in the Workplace

Alcohol and other drug testing in the workplace is growing in prevalence and at the same time is increasingly controversial as workers and Unions worry about the potential implications and employers worry about the costs and the administrative burdens. Recent developments at State Government level suggest the trend to wider spread AOD testing is likely […]

Be The Winning Team

Alcolizer was founded on the principle that everyone has ‘the right not to offend’; this statement simply means when there is a legal BAC limit for driving that individuals should have the ability to measure themselves before driving, drivers have a right to know if they are about to commit an offence. After all, you wouldn’t drive a car without a speedometer along a road where there was an enforced speed limit would you, how could you know if you were breaking the law or not?

Saliva VS Urine Testing: Selecting a biosample for drug testing

The type of drug testing an organisation should use, saliva or urine, is often a contentious question. And getting an answer to this question often proves challenging as the industry is often be full  of vested “self-interest” answers, confusion or miss-information. The choice may seem an easy one but in reality it often isn’t, with multiple considerations required before selection of the  appropriate technique. Organisations may be driven to a single choice by regulation within their specific industry while others have more freedom to select their approach. This white paper seeks to inform and position the two techniques to assist in the choice of saliva vs urine testing.

Synthetic Drugs

Synthetic drugs are relatively new but present a very real danger if misuse occurs. AOD testing in the workplace is already a challenging environment and the emergence of new types of substances only further complicates the situation. This White Paper reviews the facts and explores some of the myths surrounding synthetic drugs.

Driving Under the Influence

Alcohol and drug impaired drivers not only risk their lives and the lives of others; they face large fines, loss of license and eve imprisonment. By removing these drivers we reduce the potential for serious injury or fatal collisions on our roads.

Replacement Module Breathalyser Systems

The breathalyser is a critical tool in ensuring a safer workplace and to remain accurate they need to be periodically calibrated to ensure accuracy and reliability. This is particularly true where some form of legal or disciplinary action may follow as a consequence of a failed breath test. This white paper examines the options for calibration of portable breathalysers and the advantages of modular systems.

The Use of Fuel Cell Technology in Breathalysers

A breathalyser is a device for measuring blood alcohol concentration (BAC) from a breath sample. Breath analysers do not directly measure blood alcohol concentration, which requires the analysis of a blood sample. Instead, they estimate BAC indirectly by measuring the amount of alcohol in the subject’s breath. There are two prevalent and widely accepted breathalyser technologies  in testing instruments - Hand-held field testing devices are generally based on electrochemical platinum fuel cell analysis while desktop analysers generally use infrared spectrophotometer technology, and occasionally electrochemical fuel cell technology.

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