Helping keep our roads safe

Helping to keep our roads safe during the Covid-19 Pandemic

In August Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said, “Freight is an essential service and during the pandemic, we’ve seen just how much we rely on our freight sector to keep shelves stocked and local economies running.” 1

Last year 835 people lost their lives on regional roads, devastating their friends and communities and leaving behind 835 mourning families. 2

While heavy transport drivers were not responsible for all of these accidents, transport industry bodies are joining forces to increase safety on Australian roads. Key associations raising awareness in this sector include Transafe WA and the Northern Territory Road Transport Association.

Australian Road Safety Foundation founder and CEO Russell White said every driver, whether city or country based, must take ownership of their role in reducing the regional road toll. 3

Assistant Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Scott Buchholz said, “Road safety is everyone’s responsibility. When you get behind the wheel of a car, truck, bike or bus – you’re responsible for doing the right thing. Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, wear your seatbelt, stop for regular beaks, slow down and do the right thing.” 4

A worker that is charged with a drink driving offence would find it a traumatic experience. However, for truck drivers, a charge for a drink driving means the loss of their livelihood. Therefore professionals in this industry welcome Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) testing.

In many Australian states and territories all heavy vehicle drivers MUST have 0% BAC at the start of their shift and at all times when driving a heavy vehicle or bus.

AOD testing is quick and safe with Alcolizer products allowing those involved in the transport industry to concentrate on the business of helping Australia recover as it emerges from the pandemic.

For more information regarding Alcolizer Technology’s AOD programs and professional training, contact Alcolizer on 1300 789 908 or talk to a sales specialist.


Drinking alcohol can affect drivers and driving performance by:

  • slowing down reaction time — crucial in an emergency situation
  • making it difficult to multi-task — an essential skill for safe driving
  • causing poor judgement — affecting your ability to judge distance and speed
  • affecting vision and hearing — reducing our ability to identify driving hazards
  • creating over-confidence — we may feel more confident after a few drinks but in fact, we’re less able to cope with unexpected events. We might take risks that we normally wouldn’t.

*Source Queensland Government Streetsmarts

  • reducing attention span — so we don’t notice other drivers and/or vehicles


1 Australian Deputy Prime Minister press statement, 24 August 2020

2 Australian Deputy Prime Minster press statement, 8 August 2020

3 Australian Deputy Prime Minster press statement, 8 August 2020

4 Australian Deputy Prime Minster press statement, 8 August 2020

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