Environmental Focus

We are committed to making a sustainable global future by designing and manufacturing drug and alcohol testing equipment that balances profit and purpose. We consider the long-term impact of our choices on the environment, society, and the economy.

Together with our team we are moving towards a cleaner future continually improving our recycling operations. We support world wide initiatives that reduce emissions from our products including sending our fuel cells to the UK for recycling.

Committed to the prevention of waste caused by end of lifecycle electrical equipment we monitor our overall environmental performance to reduce the impact on the planet. By recycling old devices, we can conserve valuable materials that can then be repurposed to create other items. Our devices contain many reusable materials such as gold in the circuit boards, lithium and other metals in batteries and platinum from the fuel cell components.

To effectively recycle the equipment, means not crushing the item or sending to waste in an assembled state as it is more difficult to process and to separate the individual materials. Instead separating into component parts ensures our recycling activities are more economical and therefore likely to be successful. Our handheld units are disassembled, and the components sorted into key groups that include printed circuit boards, fuel cells, lithium batteries, LCD screens, plastic and metal. All stripped products are collected regularly and processed by a specialist recycling company.

We regularly review new and emerging products to access whether they fit within our product scope and are better for the environment. Our premises is powered by solar and an active recycler inhouse as well our recycling bins for electronics, batteries, containers for change and general recyclable goods. We review the impact of our business travel and assess greener options as well as offering a hybrid solution for regional and remote locations to self-test reducing our carbon footprint in travel. We do look to locate our Alcohol and drug testers close to testing regions where possible to reduce travel.

We will continue to take this proactive approach going forward. Our aim is to raise awareness, explore options that fit our business model and take our customers/suppliers and employees along for the journey.

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