How can I clean my Alcolizer Instruments?

Hygienic Cleaning Procedures for Instruments–08.07.2020

As more information regarding the transmission of COVID-19 comes to hand we will continue to update our guidelines regarding cleaning of Alcolizer Technology instruments. Reports indicate COVID-19 is mainly spread via respiratory droplets found in a person’s breath when they cough or sneeze. Other routes include personal hygiene indicating the importance of good hand washing. We recommend that you keep updated on the latest information about COVID-19 from World Health Organisation (WHO) and various in country health organisations like below:

Contact your local health agency or government body for specific actions related to Novel Coronavirus prevention in your location.

Alcolizer Technology recommends the following regarding cleaning of our instruments.

Follow the cleaning instructions found in the Alcolizer Technology User Manuals and in addition:

  • Use non-alcohol antibacterial wipes or an anti-bacterial spray.
  • The use of non-alcohol-based cleaning agents is the preferred approach for the reliability of breath alcohol testers. It is possible to use alcohol-based wipes and cleaning agents, but care must be taken to avoid influencing the performance of the instrument. Residual alcohol from cleaning has the possibility of influencing subsequent testing, particularly in the case of passive testing but could also affect mouthpieces testing. To alleviate the possibility of interference by alcohol-based cleaning products, please ensure that there is enough time after cleaning for the alcohol to evaporate/dry and that cleaning is performed in a well-ventilated area. Testing should not be performed in the same location as cleaning to reduce the risk of alcohol contamination.
  • If you choose to use alcohol-based cleaning agents, we suggest conducting a pre-zero test. Our HH4/LE5 devices can perform a pre-zero test automatically. Forour EC, HH3, WM4 and Centurion you will need an alcohol-free donor to validate the instrument by performing a zero test.


  • Operators should use the appropriate personal protective equipment(PPE) when conducting a test – gloves, mask, protective eyewear or full-face mask based on the situation.
  • The Alcolizer HH3, HH4 and LE5 instruments are designed so the operator can be at arms-length from the donor and their breath sample is not blown into the face of the operator
  • Operators should assess donors prior to testing and exclude those exhibiting symptoms or sneezing/coughing
  • The saliva trap non return valve mouthpiece
    • Designed to trap saliva droplets within the body of the mouthpiece
    • One-way valve to prevent the donor sucking back on the mouthpiece
    • It’s use will minimise the risk of saliva droplets in the exhaled breath
    • Minimise risks when conducting breath tests
  • Dispose of mouthpieces after use into a bin, this can be done by easily ‘tapping’ the mouthpiece on the edge of the bin and it will ‘pop’ off. Ensure gloves and PPE are used during this process
  • The cleaning instructions as outlined in the instrument user manual should be followed after each test

Alcolizer Technology recommends the use of Spit Trap Non-return valve mouthpieces when undertaking mouthpiece testing using Alcolizer instruments. This will minimise any risk of a donor sucking back through the mouthpiece. More information on how saliva trap mouthpieces work can be found in this link. If conduction passive testing, ensure your using a capture mechanism that eliminates the blow back into the donor’s face see link.


  • Alcolizer Wall Mount instruments use an internal sample system for analysing the donor’s breath which is protected by a metal case from contact by the donor. Any surplus moisture or saliva is captured and exits the machine via the drain tube away from the donor. More information on how the Wall Mount sample port works can be found on this link.
  • We recommend disposable, single-use, paper or biodegradable plastic straws are used to provide a sample, these must be disposed of correctly after use
  • The Standard WM4 will auto start when the donor begins blowing, if donor identification is required, we recommend NFC tap card ID so no contact by the donor is required.
  • Users should follow good hygiene practises and we recommend donors wash their hands before and after using the instrument
  • Regular daily surface cleaning of the Wall Mount instrument and surrounding surfaces should be undertaken, following instructions found in the User Manual and any cleaning should be conducted wearing appropriate PPE
  • Ensure straws are disposed appropriately according to your local authority disposal regulations


Alcolizer Centurion devices use the patented anti-blow back sample port,the benefits of this mouthpiece are listed below:

  • Supports fast, cost-effective and environmentally friendly Passive Testing
  • Enhanced user and operator experience for Passive Testing
  • Patented Passive Cup re-directs breath flow away from donor and operator
  • The pressure activated cup helps passive testing in outdoor environments
  • Better sampling by using donor’s breath pressure to active sample collection

This technology minimises theblow back to the users however users should follow the latest information from the health organisations listed above and maintain cleaning protocol as these organisations recommend and at the intervals suggested.

Regular daily surface cleaning of the Centurion device and surrounding surfaces should be undertaken as a minimum, following instructions found in the User Manual and any cleaning should be conducted wearing appropriate PPE.

This is a changing situation and our recommendation is that you keep updated on the latest information about COVID-19 from World Health Organisation (WHO) and your local health agency or government body as per the links provided above.

Alcolizer Technology are committed to assisting inprotecting our customers and minimising risk to the exposure of COVID-19.

For more information contact Alcolizer Technology on 1300 789 908 or at [email protected]


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