Alcolizer Technology will no longer be providing calibration and repair services for HH1 & HH2

As of January 1st 2021 Alcolizer Technology will no longer be providing calibration and repair services for HH1 & HH2

Alcolizer has been making breath testing devices for many years now and Alcolizer HH1 and HH2 devices, although still robust, are nearing end of life.

New parts are no longer manufactured or readily available and many of these devices are over 10 years old. The Alcolizer HH1 and Alcolizer HH2 devices will not be able to meet the requirements of AS3547:2019 and the unit of measure is unable to be changed to grams/210L of breath. Alcolizer HH1 and HH2 devices will no longer be accepted for calibration and service by Alcolizer Technology as of 1st January 2021.

We understand there are many loyal users of the Alcolizer HH1 and HH2 devices who are familiar with the device’s use and have had years of reliable operation.

As recognition of customers commitment to the Alcolizer brand we are offering great opportunities for owners of Alcolizer HH1 and HH2 devices to upgrade into new AS3547:2019 certified Alcolizer LE5, HH4 or HH3 alcohol testers.

Alcolizer offers online training courses to help customers learn how to use these new devices and other training related to alcohol and drug testing.

Speak with your local Sales Representative about upgrading your Alcolizer HH1 and HH2 devices.

For online training and support, call 1300 789 908 or visit our website at
