Latest Benchmark in Workplace Drug Testing (Urine)

Introducing the latest benchmark in workplace urine drug testing: AS/NZS 4308:2023. This new standard marks a significant departure from its predecessor, AS/NZS 4308:2008, bringing about key changes that have implications for your Workplace Drug Testing Program (urine).

The 3 key changes for Workplace Drug Testing (urine) are:

  • A DECREASE in the screening cut-off for Cocaine metabolites, from 300 ug/L down to 150 ug/L, and a corresponding drop in the confirmatory cut-off from 150 ug/L down to 100 ug/L. This should result in more detections on-site, along with confirmatory testing being more likely to match the initial screening result.
  • The second, is a DECREASE in the confirmatory cut-off for Nordiazepam, Oxazepam and Temazepam to 100 ug/L. Diazepam is now not referred to in the standard and has been removed from confirmation testing lists as Diazepam metabolises into Nordiazepam, Oxazepam and Temazepam after ingestion. This decrease in the confirmation cut-offs levels brings these remaining Benzodiazepines in line with others listed in both the AS/NZS 4308:2008 and 2023. In urine drug screening only “Benzodiazepines” are referenced, whilst in urine drug confirmation testing the actual Benzodiazepine metabolites are listed separately.
  • The third key change is allowing laboratories to report parent/metabolite drug(s) that are detected below the cut-off, between the laboratories limits of quantitation (LOQ) and the cut-off, where another drug/metabolite has been detected above the cut-off.

    For example, when Amphetamine is detected in a sample and a low level of Methamphetamine is present, that Methamphetamine result will additionally be reported to aid in the interpretation of results.

Other minor changes/additions include:

  • An expanded reference to Informed Consent in relation to scope of testing.
  • Centralised QC testing of devices at the main storage site, as opposed to on-site prior to testing.
  • Allowances for Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LCMS) based screening of drugs, with cut-offs as per confirmatory methods.
  • Oxycodone has specified cutoffs for screening and confirmation but is not included in the main testing panel.
  • Cut-Off Levels for THC remain unchanged. There are no changes to the testing process / procedure in regard to THC in AS/NZS 4308:2023.

Implementation Timeline – AS/NZS 4308:2023 also introduces a crossover period for three years (to November 2026) where both standards are in effect, allowing manufacturers, laboratories, and collection agencies to implement the changes.

Current customer of SureStep? We are expecting availability of the New SureStep Urine Test E-Z Split Key Drug Screening Cup early in 2025.

To continue reading about the other relevant Australian Standards for drug and alcohol testing click here.