Devices purchased from March 2021 were manufactured to AS3547:2019 so are already certified.
The upgrade involves replacing critical components, updating firmware and re-servicing the device to make your Wall Mount 4 certified to the latest Australian Standard AS3547:2019.
So, you don’t need to buy a new Wall Mount 4 to get AS3547:2019 certification, just send us your current device and we will upgrade it for you.
This upgrade program can only be undertaken at our service centres in Perth, Brisbane and Sydney and involves customers returning their devices to these facilities.
The new upgrade program means customers can keep their existing Wall Mount 4 devices and all associated accessories and have the latest AS3547:2019 certified device.
This will extend the workable life of your Wall Mount 4 assets well into the future and ensure they meet the latest certification requirements.
Information about the importance of ensuring your device is certified to the latest Australian Standard AS3547:2019 can be found here.
For more information about the Wall Mount 4 AS3547:2019 upgrade including costs and leadme please contact your local Alcolizer sales representative or click here to send us an enquiry.